In order to conform to current privacy standards, Checklick has a number of structural protocols in place for making sure all organizations and Checklick users are aware of how their information is used and who can access it.

Although Checklick provides the structural mediums to make the information visible to all users, there is a responsibility on behalf of Organizations using Checklick to ensure that the people they are entering into the system are aware that they will be entered and for what purpose.

There are multiple entry points for users to have an account created and as an Organization licensing out your programs, you'll want to ensure that all your Terms of Service for licensing out your programs are transferred from the top down and made prominent at every entry point.

Below is a flowchart diagram of the various entry points into Checklick and the flow of consent before a person is entered into Checklick.



The Checklick user structure consists of three main levels:

  1. Organizations under the Managed Services Plan,
  2. Organizations licensing checklists from the Managed Services Organization, and, 
  3. Participants

Managed Services

Organizations on the Checklick Managed Services Plan are generally Large Sports Organizations that license and distribute their own program skill checklists to their training centers.  Refer to the article titled, how does checklist licensing work for a more detailed explanation.

An Organization on the Managed Services plan agrees to Checklick's terms of service, and should also enter their own Terms of Service that apply to the programs you are going to license out to other Organizations. If there are specific Terms of Service that you'd like participants of your programs to agree to, these should be included in your licensing terms of service.

Best practices and processes for structuring your Terms of Service:

  1. Add your checklist licensing Terms of Service. 
  2. Communicate to your training centers that they should include your checklist licensing Terms of Service (licensing terms) in their Organization's Terms of Service. Here is an article on how to add Terms of Service.
  3. Communicate to your training centers that they should notify their participants that they will be inputting their information into Checklick.

Organizations licensing checklists from the Managed Services Organization

Organizations in Checklick are required to agree to Checklick's terms of service, as well as the terms for any of the checklists licensed from Managed Services Organization. An Organization licensing out their programs should also set its own terms of service that participants must consent to when making a purchase in the Storefront. It is also an Organization's responsibility to make sure any participants entered into Checklick and affiliated with the Organization are aware of and agree to the applicable terms of service. 

  • Note: Organizations creating Checklick accounts for participants must accept the terms of service on the participant's behalf, which includes confirming that a record of implied consent from the participant has been acquired. A recommended way to get consent from a participant is for the Organization to send them an email before entering them into Checklick to inform them that they will be added to Checklick as part of their program, as well as what they can expect from being registered. Once a participant is entered into the system, they will receive an email to let them know an account has been created, along with the account credentials, a link to the Checklick terms of service, and instructions to opt-out if need be.


As a participant, an account is created in one of 4 ways:

  1. Creating an account through the Managed Services Organization log in page. When creating an account, the participant will be asked to read and consent to Checklick's terms of service, as well as the terms of service for the affiliated Organization which is licensing the checklist from the checklist owning Organization.
  2. Registering for a program/purchasing a product on a Checklick Storefront. When making a purchase in an Organization's Storefront, the participant will be asked to consent to the Organization's and Checklick's terms of service. 
  3. Being added individually by an Organization. When an Organization manager creates a Checklick account for a participant, they must confirm that they received a record of implied consent from the participant.
  4. Being added via Spreadsheet by an Organization. When an Organization manager creates an account for multiple participants via spreadsheet upload, they must confirm that they received a record of implied consent from the participant.

No matter the point of entry, a participant must consent to the applicable terms of service. Consenting to Checklick's terms of service is mandatory for use of the platform; here are some resources to better understand how to control how information is used:

Unsubscribing from Emails sent via Checklick

De-affiliating yourself from an Organization

De-affiliating vs. Deleting an Account