You can use the Filter Purchases By filters on the People page to filter your People results by specific groups. 


To access the functionality, go to the People page and on the left hand side action menu, scroll down to the Filter Purchases By section.


Current Year

Select this filter to get a list of people who purchased products for which the dates of the products fall between the current calendar year Jan 1, xxxx to December 31st, xxxx.


Past Year xxxx

Select this filter to get a list of people who purchased products for which the dates of the products fall between the past calendar year Jan 1, xxxx to December 31st, xxxx.


Custom Filter

Select this filter to get a list of people who purchased products for which the product dates fall between a custom date range you'd like to select.



  • For each one of the filters, you'll be able to select specific sub-products that you'd like to include in your filter list
  • Use the all/none selections to quick filter specific sub-products within a product