If you are an organization that is using the Auto Fee Deposits feature, you can view reports that provide you with details about your Auto Fee Deposits.


Auto Fee Deposit vs. Evaluated People Report

This report is ideal if you would like to see a table of the number of AFD deposits in comparison to the number of evaluated people for each one of the organizations that are licensing one of your checklists.

To download this report;

  1. Go to Reports > Storefront Reports
  2. You'll see a section on AFD deposits vs Evaluations Reports for Sail Nova Scotia
  3. Click on the link to download the report

Column F "Evaluated People over AFD deposits" represents the number of people who have been evaluated vs. the net AFD deposits you've received.

If you are invoicing;

  • negative number means that you've received more individual fee deposits than people have been evaluated. Therefore you don't need to invoice this organization
  • positive number means that that organization has evaluated more people than you have received deposits for. Therefore, you'll need to invoice that organization for this number of individual participants

Auto Fee Deposit Transaction Report

This report shows the individual Auto Fee Deposits which include;

  • Who the deposit was for
  • From which organization was the deposit from
  • The total amount, Checklick Storefront fee, taxes

To download this report;

  1. Go to Reports > Storefront Reports
  2. You'll see a section on AFD Transactions Reports
  3. Click on the link to download the report