Do you need to make a change to your checklist, but are worried about how it will affect your user's evaluation data? Here are the details on what happens when you change or delete each element of a checklist:


  • Changing the text of a checklist name will change the name everywhere the name appears (PDF checklists, certificates, licences, etc). Evaluations made before the level change will appear with the new name.
  • Deleting a checklist is permanent, and will prevent anyone from using it to perform evaluations. A deleted checklist will also no longer appear on a user's profile page.


  • Changing the text of a level name will change the name everywhere the name appears (PDF checklists, reports, etc). Evaluations made before the level change will appear with the new name.
  • Deleting a level is permanent, and will prevent anyone from performing evaluations using any skills within that level.


  • Changing the text of a section name will change the name everywhere the name appears (PDF checklists, reports, etc). Evaluations made before the section name change will appear with the new name.
  • Deleting a section is permanent, and will prevent anyone from performing evaluations using any skills within that section.


  • Changing the text of a skill name will change the name everywhere the name appears (PDF checklists, reports, etc). Evaluations made before the skill name change will appear with the new name.
  • Deleting a skill is permanent, and will prevent anyone from performing new evaluations using that skill. 

Choices (for checkbox and radio skills)

  • Changing the text of a skill choice will change the choice text everywhere the choice appears (PDF checklists, reports, etc). Evaluations made before the section name change will appear with the new choice text.
  • If you delete a choice (ie clear all text from the choice field), the choice will no longer appear as an option to evaluators. However, you can "reactivate" the choice by re-entering it's text. All evaluations will be retained. 
  • If you re-order your choices, note that this will significantly affect any past evaluations. For example, if your skill's first choice is "Up" and second choice is "Down", and you re-order those choices, any evaluation made using those skills will be reversed (ie a person with "Up" previously selected will now have "Down" selected).

Point Slider Ranges (for point slider skills)

  • Changing the point slider ranges and increments will have no affect on past evaluations. For example, if your previous range was 0 to 10, and your new range is 0 to 5, a past evaluation with value 6 will not be changed to 5.

Help! I deleted part of my checklist, and I need it back!

If you accidentally removed part of your checklist, please get in touch with us immediately! In some circumstances, we may be able to restore it.

How will deleting part of my checklist affect my evaluator counts?

In brief: it won't! Evaluation data isn't deleted when their skills are deleted, so your active evaluator count will stay the same.