Checklick lets you and your evaluators download two types of PDFs: checklists and certificates. The checklist PDF is a PDF document showing the status of each skill for a specific person and level. The certificate PDF is a document that certifies that a specific person achieved a level (like an achievement certificate or a diploma).

You can change the fonts, colors and background images of both the checklists and certificates. Here's how:

  1. Click Checklists in the top navigation menu.
  2. Find your checklist, and click Edit to the right of the checklist you'd like to customize.
  3. Click Settings on the black sub-menu and scroll to Checklist and Certificate PDF Branding. Check the checkbox entitled Use custom backgrounds, colors and fonts. You should now see a collection of settings for your checklist and certificate PDFs for this checklist.
  4. For each PDF, you can upload a background image, and you can also select two colors and two fonts (a major and minor font for each). To preview what your PDFs look like, click the update button on the top right of the page, then click either Checklist PDF or Certificate PDF to download and view.

Designing Your Checklist Background Image

The checklist PDFs are 11" wide and 8.5" tall (letter landscape), so your image should match these proportions exactly. If your image is a different size, it will be stretched or compressed to fill the page.

Checklist PDF background images don't need a logo, because your organization's logo (the organization who owns the checklist) will be automatically placed at the top. The logo of the awarding organization (i.e. the organization of the checklist evaluator) will appear automatically on the bottom.

Designing Your Certificate Background Image

The certificate PDFs are 11" wide and 8.5" tall (letter landscape), so your image should match these proportions exactly. If your image is a different size, it will be stretched or compressed to fill the page.

Unlike checklist PDFs, certificate PDF background images will not have your logo automatically applied. This is to allow your organization more control over the branding of the certificate. For example, your organization may wish to use a larger logo, or a logo that is very short and wide. Your organization may also wish to include the logos of sponsors.

Need some help designing your backgrounds?

Quick Tips:

  • Don't forget to click Update Checklist after you add an image or make a change to fonts and colors!