Do you need to send the same email to a group of people? Here's how:

  1. Start on the People page.
  2. By default, you'll see that all of your people are selected (with a checkbox to the left of their name). If you only want to send an email to specific people, just unselect the people you don't want the email to go to. You can use the select all and unselect all links on the top of the screen to help you select the people you want.
  3. Click compose email on the left. A box will appear where you can write your email.

How can I send emails to everyone with a specific tag?

You can use the tag search feature to narrow down your list of people, then select from those people and send them an email. Here's how:

  1. Start on the People page.
  2. Click on a tag on the left-hand side in the Tags section
  3. The people page should reload with just the people who have the tag you clicked.
  4. By default, you'll see that all of your people are selected (with a checkbox to the left of their name). If you only want to send an email to specific people, just unselect the people you don't want the email to go to. You can use the select all and unselect all links on the top of the screen to help you select the people you want.

Click compose email on the left. A box will appear where you can write your email.


In addition to viewing people via tags that you've created, you can also view specific groups by purchase tags.