If you're licensing checklists, you might have noticed that Checklick lets you enter two sets of terms and conditions. Here's the difference between the two:

Organization Terms and Conditions

These are the terms and conditions that each person who is affiliated with your organization will be bound by. When you add a person to your organization, these terms will be shared with them via email so they are aware of them.

Using Storefront? These terms and conditions can also be shown to your customer when they add themselves to a storefront order. You'll see this option as a checkbox on your storefront setup page. 

Checklist Licensing Terms and Conditions

If you are licensing your checklists to other organizations, you can add a second set of terms and conditions, which set the terms for the relationship between you (the organization who owns the checklist) and the licensor (the organization who will be using your checklist under licence). A copy of these terms (along with your pricing info) will be included in the emails sent from Checklick when an organization requests a subscription.

A checklist's terms and conditions aren't shown to individual people and evaluators - they are only meant to govern the relationship between your organization and organizations licensing your checklists.