Checklick has a four ways you can reset your (or someone else's) password. 

I forgot my password!

  1. Start on, and click forgot password. 
  2. Enter your email address and click send reset link.
  3. Check your inbox for an email from checklick. That email will have a link that will take you to a password reset page.
  4. Enter a new password two times and click change password.
  5. You're now ready to log in again with your new password.

I know my password but want to change it

  1. Log in to Checklick.
  2. Click the person button at the very top right corner of the page. The account menu will appear.
  3. Click the edit link.
  4. Scroll down to the username and password section.
  5. Enter a new password twice, and click save.

I want to change someone else's password

  1. Log in to Checklick.
  2. Click People on the top of the page (only managers of organizations can see this page).
  3. Click on the name of the person you wish to change the password for.
  4. Scroll down to the username and password section.
  5. Enter a new password twice, and click save.

I want to email a password reset link to someone else

  1. Log in to Checklick.
  2. Click People on the top of the page (only managers of organizations can see this page).
  3. By default, you'll see that all of your people are selected (with a checkbox to the left of their name). If you only want to send an email to specific people, just unselect the people you don't want the email to go to. You can use the select all and unselect all links on the top of the screen to help you select the people you want.
  4. Click email reset password link and compose your email to that person. This will include a password reset link at the bottom of your email to this person.
  5. Click send.